Archive for the 'Splinter Cell: Double Agent' Category

Splinter Cell Marathon Upload Complete

November 10th, 2006 | Category: Splinter Cell: Double Agent

It’s all up, its all done! FREEDOM FOR ME!!!!!



HPAW 06.11.08 and Splinter Cell Delays

November 09th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Due to a problem I am having with the Google video uploader.

(Due to the overwhelming interest in Google video upload, we are unable to accept your files. Please try again in a few minutes. Thank you)

Until this is resolved the Google video version of HPAW 06.11.08 and the last two parts of the Splinter Cell marathon will be put on hold.

Please check back here often for updates and remember HPAW high-quality is up.


H.P.A.W. Nov. 18th Wind Waker Up!

November 08th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Go ahead and check it out! Link is on the sidebar.

At this time however the Google video version is not up because Google is having some sort of complication on their end. Remember though the version that is up is of higher quality and up for download not just stream.

In other news the final two parts to the Splinter Cell Double Agent Marathon should go up over night so check back in the morning or if your like me in the middle of the night.



HPAW Update and Marathon news

November 07th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Tomorrow’s HPAW will feature The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker.

Also sorry about the delays with part 7 and 8 of the Splinter Cell marathon. part 7 is now live and watchable and part 8 is being uploaded now.


Splinter Cell Marathon Completed

November 05th, 2006 | Category: News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

We recently completed the Splinter Cell: Double Agent marathon. It took 3 internal parts so expect around 12-15 parts to show up.

I have begun the editing process on these parts so expect them to become readily available.

Keep your on on the sidebar as I will not be making a new post every time a new part goes up.


P.S. We may have a big announcement coming soon about HPAW. Some details were talked about in the marathon so if you want to hear about the plans early, watch it.


Splinter Cell Marathon Sneek Peek

November 05th, 2006 | Category: Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Right in the middle of recording we offer to you…………PART 1!!!!


Link on the side bar and right here:


So you don’t get bored

October 27th, 2006 | Category: Marathons,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

If you guys get bored this weekend remember that Gamespot is doing a World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade on Oct. 28th at 11:00AM PST.

At this time our Splinter Cell marathon is still on for next weekend.

Check back for updates!


Splinter Cell Marathon Details

October 23rd, 2006 | Category: Marathons,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Filming of the Splinter Cell: Double Agent marathon will begin on November 4th. Currently Mempf, Nw Striker and WorldGone Awry are confirmed to be present.

The marathon will be roughly 24 parts or 12 hours. WorldGone Awry will be playing the terrorist story. He will be using equipment he has already gotten but will go through most if not all of the game.

Stay tuned for more details soon.

Any details are subject to change without notice