Oct 17
HPAW October 17th: Halo 3 ODST Firefight
Well we heard your disappointment in the lack of Firefight in our ODST marathon and originally we had planned to include it in our marathon. However technical issues resulted in the marathon ending much later than planned and the removal of the Firefight section.
To make up for this we present a Firefight featured episode with special guests WorldGone Awry and Nw Striker along with a full cast.
HPAW October 17th 2009: Halo 3 ODST Firefight (SD/iPod) (535.3 MiB)
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awesome! I was bummed they didn’t get time to do fire fight in the marathon but an episode is better.
Wow good shit can’t wait till I get my 360
you guys should totally do a tekken 6 episode!
Excellent episode guys. I never expected to hear Pain from Akatsuki in Naruto mentioned, so that was a surprise!
omg…. i left hpaw for about 1-2 years and yall didnt do really anything? and yall r asking people for money now yall went down the drain sorry yall r 19 year olds why not gust drop the website? yall were good but it got boring and i left ….. yall fail sorry
can you please do a battlefield 2 episode again