Archive for October, 2007

E for All MLG Halo 3 Training Camp

October 29th, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

On days two and three Nw Striker and I went to the MLG Halo 3 Training camp where we were taught how to play Halo 3 better by pros. Please note that these were my first and second serious games of Halo 3 ever.


E for All Major League Gaming: Final Boss Vs. 5K The Agency

October 27th, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

On day two after the MLG Training camp (more on that soon) we watched and recorded a match between Final Boss and 5K The Agency.


E for All Guitar Hero

October 26th, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

We stop by the Guitar Hero III section of Nintendo’s booth and get an interview with a Guitar Hero III developer from Activision. Then we head over to the main Guitar Hero stage and check out the crazy action going on over there.

Guitar Hero III Interview:

Crazy Guitar Hero Playing:


E for HPAW Part 3

October 25th, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

The final part in the E for HPAW videos in which we continue to take a look around E for All on the second and third day of the show.

Also there was to going to be an HPAW episode today but due to technical difficulties it has been moved to next Wednesday.

More E for All videos to come soon!


E for All Super Smash Bros Melee Tournament

October 24th, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

Over at the Play n Trade booth a Super Smash Bros Melee tournament was help and HPAW was there to capture T!mmy and T0mmy’s progress through the tournament


E for All Major League Gaming Halo 3

October 22nd, 2007 | Category: E for all

HPAW stopped by the MLG Booth and captured some footage of the Pros playing Halo 3 in some exhibition match’s between Straight Rippin and 5K The Agency.


E for HPAW Part 2

October 22nd, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

Part 2 in our series of E for HPAW videos we take a look around day one of the E for All Expo.

Day One:


E for HPAW Part 1

October 22nd, 2007 | Category: E for all,HPAW

Well its going to be a little crazy around here with all the videos going up all over the place but inside it all we will still be having our E for All quasi-documentary E for HPAW.

So without further adieu here is Part 1-The Pre-Trip:


E for All Exclusive: Super Smash Twins T!mmy and T0mmy

October 22nd, 2007 | Category: E for all,News

For those of you who don’t know T!mmy and T0mmy are world famous Super Smash Bros. Melee players and HPAW kicks off its video coverage of E for All with a special exclusive interview with T0mmy:

Then we film one of T!mmy’s first ever SSBB games:

And finally we have a battle between the brothers in SSBB:

More videos will be coming up daily so check back every day.

(We are aware of the current chat issues. The forum should be working now)


Video Games Live Photos

October 20th, 2007 | Category: News

Well Nw Striker and I just got back from the Video Games Live concert and it was amazing. We were allowed to take pictures but not video so for those of you that wanted to see and hear Video Games Live you will have to check it out yourself or hope that other people broke the rules and posted videos on Youtube.

Anyway here is the link to the Video Games Live Picture Gallery also remember that I have updated the E for All Picture Gallery since I first posted it.


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