Archive for September, 2007
The Secret Revealed: Halo 3 Quest
I announced this video during HPAW and mentioned it in my last post.
Join Mempf, WorldGone Awry, Nw Striker, BlueD. JoKeRRR, Nick and FSR Ghost as we go to pick up Halo 3 at the midnight launch.
27 commentsUpdate: New Site Theme
Update: I have changed the site to a new theme again so the poll will be reset and comments deleted so if you please comment on this new look.
Well its been a long time and I think HPAW needs a new look.
I have changed the theme to a much newer better made theme (and in my opinion nicer looking)
With this theme only the newest post is shown in its entirety so to view older posts you now need to click on them.
As HPAW is a community you get your say so please vote on whether you like this theme or the old one better.

Also there is a secret video project currently in development and should be ready for next week.
36 commentsUpdate: HPAW Store Open!
UPDATE: We have added a second shirt to the shop.
Well it’s about time right?
Today I received my sample shirt and I am very pleased with it.
The HPAW Store can be found HERE
At the moment we only have one item but hopefully soon that will change.
I would like to thank Annihilate3 for the creation of the shirt image.
So go and buy those shirts!
Here are some sample pictures of what the shirt will actually look like (well the black one at least):
16 commentsHPAW September 19th: MoH: Airborne
Screw closing down HPAW, there is no time for that since we have Medal of Honor: Airborne on Xbox 360 with a full cast and new guest. Watch to find out who!
24 commentsHPAW Canceled this week
Due to technical difficulties and cast scheduling issues HPAW this week has been canceled and will be filmed next week instead.