Archive for August, 2007
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Marathon
The marathon is now fully uploaded.
I hope you all enjoy this marathon as much as I enjoyed playing it.
Keep an eye on the sidebar everyday as a new part will be added.
18 commentsMetroid Prime 2 Mania
I have decided to start the second game but not finish it as I had Metroid on my mind waiting for Metroid Prime 3.
Unlike the Metroid Prime Mania there will be much less footage due to the lack of time before Metroid Prime 3.
Part 1:
Part 2:
This marathon was never completed and never will be.
7 commentsWorld In Conflict Trailer
HPAW UK’s Dante the Jedi has created a professional quality trailer for the upcoming pc game, World In Conflict.
Please enjoy this awesome fan made trailer.
14 commentsUPDATE: Metroid Prime Mania Begins
All eleven parts of the Metroid Prime “Marathon” are now up and ready to watch.
Please direct your attention to this page for all updates and new videos.
Joining me in the first part is Mmac via skype, so please enjoy all this Metroid madness.
For all parts of this marathon please click HERE
20 commentsMetroid Mania
With 10 days until the release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption I have been getting the urge to play a lot of Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2.
Would you guys want me to do a lot of footage on those games in anticipation of Metroid Prime 3?
Please note it would likely just be me playing and talking about the game although who knows there could be some surprises along the way.

HPAW August 15th: Bioshock Demo
Here we are in the middle of August with a brand new demo with an upcoming Xbox 360 game.
Full cast join us this week as we go down into Rapture. Also in the show this week we have the final boss fight of Metroid Prime in anticipation of the Metroid Prime 3: Corruption marathon.
25 commentsPoll of the Week: August 12th
This weeks poll comes from WorldGone Awry who wants to know which gun you prefer, the M16 or AK47 assault rifle.
If you need to know what they are just do a simple Google web search.

HPAW August 1st: Mario Strikers: Charged
Well here we are in August with a brand new Wii game. Once again WorldGone Awry did not show up and Nw Striker is on vacation.
However we have returning guest Kaisuke and new guest Black Light.