May 20
Poll of the Week: May 20th
Time to answer the ago old question once and for all as the Everyone Votes channel on the Wii ended basically in a tie.

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May 20
Time to answer the ago old question once and for all as the Everyone Votes channel on the Wii ended basically in a tie.
the egg always comes first
yup go egg
it is defently egg
egg is #1
egg all the way
i’m for the egg
you need the chicken to make the egg.
Why is Germany not an option? well I’ll say the chicken just to piss the majority off
mike, u dont need a chicken to make the egg.
It was eggs long before there were chickens
A race entirely made of eggs?
I propose dissection of these mysterious extinct creatures you call “Living Eggs”
I meant that it existed eggs long before there were chickens
Let me have my fun
Well, for the chicken to lay an egg, it had to have been hatched by an egg which had to be laid by a chicken which had to be hatched from an egg which had to be laid by a chicken which had to have hatched from an egg which had to be laid by a chicken…
It’s an endless circle if you ask me.
It wouldn’t have to be laid by a chicken it could have been laid by any bird or reptile, end of story.
The egg was more reasonable because God wasn’t like “Oh I think I’ll go make an animal that sounds really annoying”
no wait…
egg, think bout it, things evolve in the developing state, which is the egg, and the chicken evolved from another animal, so it had to have evolved in the egg, done
I think chicken because God created the chicken to lay more eggs to make more chickens its so obvious!
is the real question here “Which came first chichen or egg?” or is it if there is such a thing as religion, cuz thats where this poll seems to be heading.
the egg because dinosaurs lay eggs and dinosaurs were around long before chickens which evolved from dinsaurs.
Yep it just says egg not whose egg it is.
The question should be “Do you believe in evolution?”.
yes, simple, what do u beleive in? Evolution or Religion?
this question has been asked sence the begining of time and it always ends with religion or evolution.
its a fact that evolution happened, but it is fiction that there is such a thing as religion, there is no proof of any deities or mesiahs, so this scientific approach to this topic would suggest that the egg came first, but if you have religious beliefs, that would suggest that you would believe that the chicken was first. So, vote for whatever decision you make but everyone must believe that there will never a true answer to this question. *applause* *takes bow Thank u*
Not all religion revolves around creationism. The pope believed in evolution.
And you just said what the other four hundred and eighty two billion atheists on Earth say.
you are totally right Jon
Ok, so if theres like 482,000,000,000 atheists (impossible though since the population of Earth is like 7 billion) how come i am the first one to actually come here and say it?
1. It’s an exaggeration and 2. I said you WEREN’T the first one to say it.
and i said say it here on the site
The only difference between saying it here and saying it anywhere else is the fact you said it here.
Egg (Evolution)
I have to just be the smart ass. You know everything starts as a little organism millions of years ago. So this would have to be C.) NONE OF THE ABOVE. But, since that is not an option I’ll just have to say…EGG!
maybe the chicken was inhabiting earth at the start of time and have been laying eggs for more chckens since forever ago
Chickens came to earth on a comet and built the pyramids but something went wrong rendering them incapable of both communication with each other and the use of their awesome sand based powers which enabled the construction of the pyramids.
chickens makeing the pyramids now thats funny.
if u go egg u probaly mean evolution or cross breed am i right
and if u go chicken ur saying chickens were one of the first animals on the earth
it goes like this ummm hmmm god decided to make a chicken but the chicken had to go through some process before being an egg… we dont know if god made an egg first or chicken
It’s Up To Science To Figure That Out!!!!!
Hey i know what makes a chicken a cock + rooster + peacock + a dairy cow + a male chicken + a hen
End Of Story
Oh I just got it I think,God made eggs for all birds,he made an egg with a bird with a different gender like one egg thats a boy chicken and the other is a girl chicken egg so then the eggs went through the process of hatching and for animals that don’t lay eggs he had Noah do that stuff he had him get animals of boy and girl genders so they could reproduce on his ark,but Noah is probably not real but this theory combines the chicken and the egg and religion and evolution so it quite possibly might be true the egg came first.Thank you for your time.
BTW,this also means I don’t think the chicken came first
It depends if it’s a chicken egg. There were dinosaurs long before there were chickens. If it is a chicken egg, the chicken came first because the chicken has to hatch the egg.