Archive for March, 2007
HPAW June 21st 2006: Fight Night Round 3
This is the second episode of HPAW which featured Fight Night Round 3 for the Xbox 360 and had special guest thewest17.
4 commentsHPAW June 14th 2006: Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
This was the first ever HPAW episode filmed back in June of 2006 and before we even had the HPAW name. WorldGone Awry was also known as MsgtBush at this time. In the second half of this episode we play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the Xbox 360.
8 commentsKingdom Hearts 2 Marathon Uploaded
Here it is the most epic marathon done on HPAW; the 52 part start to secret ending Kingdom Hearts 2 mega marathon.
This marathon was filmed back in July 2006 and featured Mempf, Teclis and Kaisuke.
If you never got a chance to watch it before on Gamespot or you want to watch it again then you can find all the parts on Google Video HERE
For your convenience here is part one:
8 commentsOld Videos made new
A topic in the forums has inspired me to re-upload all older HPAW episodes that were hosted only on Gamespot.
I am starting with finishing uploading the Kingdom Hearts 2 Marathon (I only uploaded up to part 26 before).
Then after that I will begin to upload the HPAW episodes from Gamespot to Google. There will not be WMV or iPod versions for these videos.
Please note I do not have copies of the previous marathons other than the Kingdom Hearts 2 one so please don’t ask.
Look forward to the posting of these soon.
7 commentsForum Data Loss
Hello everybody. Because of corruption in the database that hold the forum data we have had to revert to a backup made on March 17th.
Anything between then and now was lost.
We apologize for any posts and accounts lost.
9 commentsEmail Problems Fixed
I have been working on fixing the email verification problems people have been having with but not limited to hotmail email addresses.
If ANYONE still has issues receiving emails from this site or the forums please let me know by leaving a comment on this post or contacting me via my email addess: “admin at” (You will have to piece it together)
Also if anyone can just test out the fix by requesting a new password and then post the results in a comment here, it would be very helpful.
If you were previously effected by this and need an account deleted so you can remake it properly please contact “admin at”
3 commentsRepost: Poll of the Week: March 11th
We suffered a loss in our poll database and all polls were lost. We have decided to repost this weeks poll so please take the time to vote again.
Sorry about this problem.
17 commentsHPAW 07-03-14 SSX: Blur
Here it is guys, SSX: Blur for the Wii and a second game later on but you will have to watch to find out.
15 commentsHPAW Today and Logo Contest Winners
Today at the regular time we will be filming an HPAW episode on SSX: Blur for the Wii.
We will have guests Kaisuke and Dark Elf on the show as well as the regular cast.
Also we have picked the winners of the logo contest and they are JoshX291 and Annihilate3.
Here are their entries:
JoshX291’s entry is already the new forum logo but we will try to find places for both winners images.
Thank you all for entering and see you on HPAW.