Archive for November, 2006

HPAW Skype Chat

November 13th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News

Hey guys, I have just been testing out the Skype 3.0 Beta and in it it has a cool public chat room feature called SkypeCast.

What I want to do is have a public discussion with you guys.

If you guys think this is a good idea please comment on this with your opinions.

Get Skype 3.0 Beta


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Marathon Detailed

November 12th, 2006 | Category: News,The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

I have updated the Zelda page to list the details of the marathon.

Please take the time to check it out either via the sidebar or This Link


Splinter Cell Marathon Upload Complete

November 10th, 2006 | Category: Splinter Cell: Double Agent

It’s all up, its all done! FREEDOM FOR ME!!!!!



HPAW 06.11.08 and Splinter Cell Delays

November 09th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Due to a problem I am having with the Google video uploader.

(Due to the overwhelming interest in Google video upload, we are unable to accept your files. Please try again in a few minutes. Thank you)

Until this is resolved the Google video version of HPAW 06.11.08 and the last two parts of the Splinter Cell marathon will be put on hold.

Please check back here often for updates and remember HPAW high-quality is up.


H.P.A.W. Nov. 18th Wind Waker Up!

November 08th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Go ahead and check it out! Link is on the sidebar.

At this time however the Google video version is not up because Google is having some sort of complication on their end. Remember though the version that is up is of higher quality and up for download not just stream.

In other news the final two parts to the Splinter Cell Double Agent Marathon should go up over night so check back in the morning or if your like me in the middle of the night.



News on HPAW

November 08th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News

Lets get straight to business.

1. HPAW today will feature The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
2. This will be the first HPAW made available in higher quality and easy download.

Number two is brought to you and me by as they have expressed interest in HPAW and have offered me hosting.

They also have a good podcast so please check it out.

Below I have attached a sample video for what to expect from the downloadable version of HPAW. It is Splinter Cell Marathon Part 5. At the moment you can either stream or download the high quality version however you can not seek via the streamed version so if you need that please either watch the google version or download HPAW.

High-quality version brought to you by


HPAW Update and Marathon news

November 07th, 2006 | Category: HPAW,News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Tomorrow’s HPAW will feature The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker.

Also sorry about the delays with part 7 and 8 of the Splinter Cell marathon. part 7 is now live and watchable and part 8 is being uploaded now.


Splinter Cell Marathon Completed

November 05th, 2006 | Category: News,Splinter Cell: Double Agent

We recently completed the Splinter Cell: Double Agent marathon. It took 3 internal parts so expect around 12-15 parts to show up.

I have begun the editing process on these parts so expect them to become readily available.

Keep your on on the sidebar as I will not be making a new post every time a new part goes up.


P.S. We may have a big announcement coming soon about HPAW. Some details were talked about in the marathon so if you want to hear about the plans early, watch it.


Splinter Cell Marathon Sneek Peek

November 05th, 2006 | Category: Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Right in the middle of recording we offer to you…………PART 1!!!!


Link on the side bar and right here:


The steps to a marathon

November 04th, 2006 | Category: Marathons

1. Choosing: Find a game we want to do a marathon on, sometimes it’s a given other times it requires some user input (Gears of War or Splinter Cell)
2. Planning: Plan a day(s) that work for everyone so that we can film the marathon as smoothly as possible.
3. Filming: Do the marathon and record it in manageable parts. This is where everything can go wrong causing delays and other problems. It is also the best part for us as we get many hours to play the game.
4. Break: We all go and sleep or something.
5. Editing: Getting the video in a publishable state for uploading to the public.
5. Uploading: Making the video available to the public.
6. Publishing: Creating the proper pages on this site for easy access to all of you.

And thats how you do a marathon in a very basic way.


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